EMSELLA® Treatment
As your body changes and ages, urinary incontinence can become an embarrassing and stressful issue. The inability to control urine leakage or feeling the urge to go and not knowing if you’ll make it to the bathroom in time are sensations no one should have to struggle with. Rejuvenation Clinic of Sauk Prairie is proud to offer a groundbreaking treatment to our patients — EMSELLA®.
Below, we’ll address some questions you may have about EMSELLA®, including:
- What is urinary incontinence?
- What is EMSELLA®?
- Benefits of EMSELLA®
What is Urinary Incontinence?
Urinary incontinence involves a lack of control over the bladder. It’s a common problem that’s different for everyone who experiences it. Some have leakage after coughing, sneezing or laughing, while others experience urge incontinence, or a strong and immediate impulse to urinate. That urge can be so sudden that sufferers do not make it to the bathroom, resulting in uncontrolled urination.
Among those experiences are other symptoms, such as bladder leaks. You could experience urinary incontinence as a result of:
- Aging
- Specific infections
- Vaginal childbirth
- Consumption of food, drink or medications that act as diuretics
- Other causes
If you experience any symptoms, you should seek stress urinary incontinence treatment right away. Urinary incontinence is challenging and can be embarrassing, and it hinders your daily life during work and social activities. There is an answer, though. Most patients can find relief with EMSELLA treatment, a non-invasive, non-surgical urinary incontinence treatment.
What is EMSELLA®?
EMSELLA® is an FDA-cleared procedure that uses high-intensity focused electromagnetic technology (HIFEM). As you sit in the HIFEM Emsella® chair, the energy stimulates contractions in the pelvic floor muscles
The result is small, yet effective, contractions like those produced by Kegel exercises. After about a half-hour in the EMSELLA® chair, you’ll experience the equivalent of more than 11,000 Kegels. These muscle contractions restore neuromuscular control and work to repair the weak pelvic floor, allowing you to regain bladder control after this urinary incontinence treatment.
Whether due to birth trauma or age, weak pelvic floor muscles insufficiently supporting the pelvic organs often cause urinary incontinence. The result can be bladder control issues such as urinary stress, urge incontinence or both. Urinary stress is when pressure on the bladder causes uncontrolled leakage — think coughing, exercising or laughing.
Urge incontinence, on the other hand, is an intense, uncomfortable and sudden sensation of needing to urinate, leading to constant trips to the bathroom. The urinary and urge incontinence treatment, EMSELLA®, addresses both these issues caused by pelvic relaxation, thus improving your overall quality of life.
To find out if you’re a candidate for EMSELLA®, please contact Rejuvenation Clinic of Sauk Prairie today. We understand that your intimate health requires understanding and sensitivity. That’s why we’re happy to provide free consultations where you can ask questions and learn more about this cutting-edge solution.
Benefits of EMSELLA® Treatment
BTL EMSELLA® is an FDA-cleared, entirely noninvasive treatment. Electromagnetic stimulation causes pelvic floor muscles to contract, restoring neuromuscular control. The result is an effective treatment for both male and female urinary incontinence. You may experience many benefits of EMSELLA® treatment by participating in this groundbreaking treatment.
1. Improved Quality of Life
Living with urinary incontinence is stressful and upsetting. You may find yourself often looking for the nearest bathroom or bringing extra clothes in case of an accident. Sadly, those who struggle with a weak pelvic floor often feel shame and embarrassment, even though this condition is out of their control. EMSELLA® treatment allows you to say no to incontinence and take back your life.
Many patients who undergo this weak pelvic floor strengthening treatment experience almost immediate results. After a few EMSELLA® sessions, you’ll be able to regain bladder control and take charge of this essential bodily function.
2. Treats Entire Pelvic Floor
After about 30 minutes in the EMSELLA® chair, the entire pelvic floor area experiences the equivalent of over 11,000 highly effective pelvic floor exercises.
3. Easy, Comfortable Process
A large number of treatments used for urinary incontinence involve medication or surgery. For more severe cases, surgery can be a solution, but it’s also very invasive. Many patients dislike using medications for urinary incontinence treatment because of the numerous side effects.
EMSELLA® treatment is both non-invasive and non-surgical. Most patients find the entire treatment to be relaxing and comfortable. You sit fully clothed on the EMSELLA® chair for about 30 minutes. That’s it. You can read a book or listen to music. Afterward, there’s no recovery or downtime needed.
4. Effective Pelvic Floor Solution
EMSELLA® treatment is a cutting-edge treatment, and one of the best out there for treating incontinence in a non-invasive, painless way. Plus, it’s beneficial for both men and women.
Before deciding if EMSELLA® treatment is right for you, you may have a lot of questions. Do pelvic floor strengthening machines work? How does EMSELLA® chair work? How does EMSELLA® manage to tighten pelvic floor muscles so quickly? After an EMSELLA® session, are there any side effects?
Here are some of our frequently asked questions to help you decide if EMSELLA® treatment is the best option for you.
Do EMSELLA® Treatments Hurt? What Does it Feel Like?
EMSELLA® treatment is completely painless. You will get to sit, fully clothed, in the EMSELLA® chair during your entire session. Many patients describe a tapping sensation when it starts as it gets positioned. After that, you’ll experience tingling, vibrations and contractions as the EMSELLA® session occurs. After that, you’ll experience tingling, vibrations and contractions as the EMSELLA® chair operates. Patients describe these pelvic floor strengthening contractions as feeling like an intense pelvic floor workout. The entire session should be pain-free.
How Does EMSELLA® Work?
EMSELLA® targets pelvic muscles using a high-intensity electromagnetic field, similar to the technology used for EMSCULPT NEO®. This stimulation contracts pelvic floor muscles around 11,000 times per session. As the pelvic muscles become stronger and tighter, they regain the ability to better support the pelvic organs, thus decreasing urinary incontinence.
How Many Sessions of the Pelvic Floor Chair Treatment Do I Need?
The clinicians at Rejuvenation Clinic of Sauk Prairie will tailor a treatment plan based on your needs. The typical protocol for our EMSELLA® treatment is two sessions per week for three weeks, with each of these six sessions lasting for 28 minutes. Depending on the severity of the incontinence you experience and your desired results, you may choose to undergo more treatment sessions.
When Will I Start to See Results?
If you’re looking for a way to tighten your pelvic floor muscles quickly, EMSELLA® is an excellent option for you. Some patients observe rapid and noticeable improvement after their first session. In general, though, symptoms should continue to improve slowly over the next few weeks. Most people see maximum improvement about two to three months after their last treatment.
How Effective is BTL EMSELLA®?
While results and patient experiences may vary, most patients who undergo EMSELLA® treatments experience noticeable progress with their urinary incontinence. A recent clinical study found that 95% of EMSELLA® patients were very satisfied and noticed a significant improvement in their quality of life following their six-session treatment in the EMSELLA® chair. About 67% of patients were able to decrease or stop their use of hygienic pads in their daily life.
How Long Do EMSELLA® Results Last?
Results vary based on your unique health condition. Most studies show that positive results last anywhere between six and 12 months following EMSELLA® treatments. You may choose to undergo single maintenance treatments to maintain results after completing your initial six sessions. Other lifestyle changes can also help promote longer-lasting results.
Is There Any Downtime After the Pelvic Floor Treatment?
There is no downtime after your EMSELLA® pelvic floor treatment.You can have your session during your lunch break and immediately go back to your normal daily activities following the procedure.
How Do I Prepare for an EMSELLA® Treatment?
Your clinician will go into detail with you on how to prepare for your EMSELLA® treatment during your free consultation. However, this easy and painless procedure requires little preparation on your part.
We suggest wearing comfortable, not bulky, clothes, as you will remain fully dressed during your treatment. Avoid wearing high-end athletic gear such as Lululemon as many of their fabrics contain woven metal threads. We’ll also ask you to remove large jewelry, watches and other electronics from the chair area. That’s it — no other preparation is necessary.
Am I a Good Candidate for EMSELLA®?
BTL EMSELLA® is an excellent option for men and women of any age who need an effective solution for mild to moderate urinary incontinence. If you’ve ever experienced an accident while coughing or have sudden urges to rush to the bathroom, you are well-qualified for this treatment. Childbirth, menopause and aging can all lead to urinary incontinence. EMSELLA® can help.
EMSELLA® cannot treat pregnant women or patients with:
- Severe urinary symptoms or prolapse
- Metal implants
- Heart problems or disorders
- Tumors
What Are Common Signs of Incontinence Issues?
The three types of urinary incontinence include urinary stress, urge incontinence and a combination of the two. For many, the source of their urinary incontinence is a weakening of the pelvic diaphragm or pelvic floor.
Stress leakage is the result of exerted pressure on the bladder. This phenomenon can happen when coughing, jumping, laughing, exercising or even sneezing. Urinary stress incontinence is common among women who have delivered babies vaginally, and it also results from changes that occur during menopause.
Other people experience urge incontinence, which is a frequent and overwhelming feeling of having to urinate. Smoking, diet or medical conditions such as diabetes can cause urinary urgency that may lead to leakage.
Are There Any Side Effects From the Body Treatment?
EMSELLA® is generally free of side effects. During the procedure, you will most likely experience tingling and tapping, and feel the contractions in your pelvic floor. However, there is virtually no discomfort after the treatment. Sometimes, people notice their incontinence symptoms might get a bit worse the following two days after treatment, which we describe as normal. Think about if you did several sets of biceps curls. For the next couple of days, your muscles would feel fatigued because of the intense workout, but would be stronger and more effective over time.
EMSELLA® has undergone a rigorous series of clinical trials to determine its safety, and this innovative technology is FDA-cleared. During your free consultation, one of our clinicians will discuss with you how BTL EMSELLA® works, so you understand the procedure completely before proceeding.
Can I Combine Other Body Treatments With EMSELLA®?
Because of the non-invasive nature, no downtime and ease of EMSELLA®, many of our patients opt to combine other facial and body treatments on the same day. We’ll discuss these options during your complimentary consultation and will provide you with the best plan of action for your rejuvenation.
Schedule a Free Consultation at Rejuvenation Clinic of Sauk Prairie
If uncontrollable urinary leakage is taking a toll on your quality of life, then it’s time to schedule your free consultation at Rejuvenation Clinic of Sauk Prairie to find out more about this breakthrough treatment. When you meet with one of our clinicians, you’ll be able to ask questions and find out if EMSELLA® is right for you.

Say No to Incontinence
If you live in Madison, Wisconsin, or the surrounding areas, please contact us today to learn more about how to tighten your pelvic floor muscles quickly and effectively with EMSELLA®.
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